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Valorant Episode 7 Act 3 Unleashes Iso and a Thrilling New Patch!


Ladies and gents, Valorant is back in the game with a new agent, Iso, and a fabulous patch (7.09) that’s about to make our lives a lot more exciting. Riot Games isn’t just stirring the pot; they’re tossing in a handful of fireworks and some party poppers. Let’s dive into this spectacle!

First off, Riot’s feeling all “balancy,” and they’re eyeing those Sentinels, especially Cypher, who’s had a tough time dealing with Agent hooligans like Raze, Skye, and Fade. It’s like they’re crashing his perfectly set dinner party. Riot’s got his back, though. They’re helping Cypher out, giving him a fighting chance and making it a bit more puzzling to counter Sentinel setups.

Here’s the lowdown on the spiciest updates fresh from the Valorant kitchen:

Cypher: Riot’s handing Cypher some new tricks, making attackers earn their keep. No more destroying traps like it’s a walk in the park!

  • Trapwire (C): Traps now take just 1.5 seconds to concuss the enemy instead of a slow 3. And here’s the party trick: traps don’t disappear anymore! They’re like the Energizer bunny, they recharge in 0.5 seconds, and they’re ready to snag another enemy. Plus, if they catch someone, that slow tag lasts a whopping 2 seconds!

Skye: Skye’s doggo, Trailblazer (Q), now smoothly glides under mid-height Trapwires without getting tangled up in weapon damage hitboxes.

Fade: Fade’s Prowler (C) is on a diet; it’s leaping over low Trapwires and gracefully sliding under high ones without causing chaos in the weapon damage department.

Raze: Explosive expert Raze is getting picky. Her Paint Shells (E) now require precision, making sure she doesn’t blast away enemy traps too easily. She has to choose between mobility and damage with her Blast Pack (Q), which won’t deal damage until it’s fully armed, a process that now takes 1.5 seconds.

In the weapon realm, the Judge shotgun is getting a makeover. Its magazine size is trimmed down from 7 to 5, and its jumping and running spread gets a little extra wobble, making sure you can’t turn it into a dancing weapon.

Now for the fun part – player behavior! Riot’s throwing in a nifty feature. When you report a player in-game, you can now mute them with just one click. It’s like a game of “Shush, I’m reporting you!” And in the world of social gaming, it’s never been easier to join your friends across different Riot Games. Thanks to some groovy icons, you can spot your pals in LoL, LoR, WildRift, or even Riot Mobile without breaking a sweat.

So there you have it, Valorant Episode 7 Act 3 is turning up the heat, introducing Iso, and throwing a fun-filled gaming extravaganza your way. Get ready to rock the Valorant world like never before! It’s party time in the world of Riot!

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