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“Unlocking Secrets: Demystifying the Unwritten Rules of God of War Ragnarok’s Valhalla DLC”

God of War: Ragnarok’s free Valhalla DLC introduces a roguelike twist to the game’s familiar hack-and-slash combat. Here are some key elements and strategies explained for players diving into Valhalla:

  1. Difficulty-Based Rewards: The difficulty setting in Valhalla affects the amount of rewards gained. Higher difficulties yield higher rewards in the form of Mastery Seals, which can be used to permanently upgrade Kratos’ stats, enhancing his power in God of War Ragnarok.
  2. Mastery Seals for Permanent Upgrades: Mastery Seals are a currency that allows players to permanently upgrade Kratos’ health, rage, and attack/defense stats between runs. Playing on higher difficulties helps earn more Mastery Seals, making Kratos significantly more powerful.
  3. Fleeting Echoes for Temporary Upgrades: Difficulty settings also impact the acquisition of Fleeting Echoes, another currency used to purchase temporary upgrades like health packs. These upgrades expire at the end of each run and are less significant overall.
  4. Equipped Weapon Affects Runic Attacks: The Runic Attacks obtained through upgrade chests depend on the weapon Kratos has equipped. The player will receive Runic Attacks for the specific weapon they are holding when opening an upgrade chest.
  5. Build Around One Weapon: It’s more advantageous to heavily upgrade a single weapon during Valhalla runs rather than spreading upgrades across all three. A significantly upgraded weapon’s attack power can outweigh enemy resistances and be more effective against standard enemy types.

Valhalla’s unique blend of difficulty settings, permanent upgrades, and weapon-specific upgrades adds strategic depth to the God of War Ragnarok experience, providing players with a fresh and challenging gameplay mode.

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