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Cobra Commander’s Big Makeover: Unmasking Secrets in the Energon Universe

Get ready for a wild ride through the newly unveiled Energon Universe as Skybound brings us the revamped Cobra Commander in G.I. Joe: Cobra Commander #1. Brace yourselves for a tale that not only marks the debut of Cobra Commander but also unravels the origins of Cobra itself. Spoiler alert: Things get intense! So, let’s dive into the chaos and unveil the secrets of this iconic supervillain’s makeover.

1 – Cobra Commander’s Shady Origin Story:
In this issue, Cobra Commander doesn’t just stroll onto the scene; he Terminator-style murders a truck owner at a bar. Clearly, we’re dealing with a Commander who’s not afraid to get his hands dirty. The story then takes us back to Cobra Commander’s roots in Cobra-La, a remote Himalayan civilization. The twist? He was once a leader of scientists studying dangerous tech from the outside world, with his own set of dark secrets.

2 – Meet Golobulus and the Twist of Betrayal:
Enter Golobulus, the leader of Cobra-La, who quickly becomes Cobra Commander’s master. But things take a twist when Cobra Commander orchestrates a riot, leading to his own severe injury. Scarred and determined, Cobra Commander manipulates Golobulus’ assassins, revealing his preference for pulling strings rather than getting his hands bloody.

3 – A Transformers Connection? Oh, Yes!
Hold onto your helmets; Cobra Commander has Megatron on a leash! In a surprising twist, we learn that Cobra Commander has been experimenting on Megatron, gaining insight into the wider universe. Energon, the powerful energy source from Transformers, becomes the key to Cobra Commander’s grand plan to build an army that will dominate Earth and restore Cobra-La’s might.

4 – The Lonely Beginnings of Cobra:
Cobra Commander, at this point, is a one-man show (with a lone bodyguard). The seemingly endless army of henchmen is yet to be recruited. But fear not, swamp enthusiasts! The issue hints at Cobra Commander recruiting the Dreadnoks in a remote Florida swamp. Are Zartan and his motorcycle gang the first pieces in Cobra’s grand puzzle?

5 – Megatron’s Revenge and Decepticon Drama:
The issue leaves us pondering Megatron’s fate. Will he escape? Will the Decepticons declare war on Cobra? The tension between these iconic ’80s villains adds a layer of suspense to the Energon Universe.

Conclusion: Cobra Unleashed, and Megatron’s Fate Hangs in the Balance!
As Skybound weaves a new tapestry in the Energon Universe, G.I. Joe: Cobra Commander #1 delivers a Cobra Commander like never before. Murder, betrayal, and a surprising alliance with Megatron set the stage for a thrilling adventure. With swamp recruitments and Decepticon drama on the horizon, the Energon Universe promises an epic journey for fans old and new. Get ready for a rollercoaster of surprises, and stay tuned for the next chapter in this revamped saga! Yo Joe!

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