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Embark on Epic Adventures at Hashtag Escape: Johannesburg’s Premier Escape Room Experience!

Have you ever been watching an action-packed adventure flick like Indiana Jones and thought, “Hey, I could totally pull off those crazy stunts!” Well, buckle up, my adventurous pals, because you’re about to dive into the thrilling world of Hashtag Escape!


They’re headquartered in Johannesburg, South Africa, and here’s how it all goes down:



You and your daring squad find yourselves trapped in a mysterious room. Picture this: you’ve got a mere hour to put your heads together, uncover hidden secrets, crack cryptic puzzles, and bust out of that room! It’s like a real-life, heart-pounding video game! And here’s the kicker—every room and puzzle has been lovingly crafted by a crew of South African puzzle maestros. This ain’t your run-of-the-mill escape room; it’s a mind-boggling, uniquely South African escapade!


Now, brace yourselves for the room lineup, because they’ve got a menu of four that’ll make your head spin:

Hack Out: This one’s the granddaddy of them all, with a difficulty rating that’s a whopping 9.5 out of 10! You’ll need nerves of steel and a brain full of tricks to conquer this beast.


Rebel: Clocking in at 8.5 out of 10, this room will have you feeling like a true renegade. Get ready to unleash your inner rebel and take on the challenge.


Red Moon: With a difficulty score of 7 out of 10, the Red Moon room offers a slightly tamer experience, but you’ll still need your wits about you to conquer its puzzles.


Closure: This room rates at a respectable 6 out of 10 on the difficulty scale. It’s the perfect choice for those who want to enjoy the escape without their brains overheating!



Now, let’s talk bookings, my future escape artists! This is where the magic happens, and no, it’s not Harry Potter magic. It’s better—#Escape magic!

To start your adventure, you’ve got to pick a game time. It’s like setting a date with destiny, but way more exciting. They’ve got this fancy system called Acuity to manage all their bookings. It’s so easy even a technologically-challenged raccoon could handle it. Just pick a game and a time slot, and voila! You’re on your way to your thrilling Escape!

And here’s the kicker, folks, it’s free to make a booking online. That’s right, no need to sacrifice your firstborn or take out a mortgage. You can bring the moolah in cash or swipe your credit card at the venue, keeping things nice and simple.


But wait, there’s more! For those high-rolling corporate shindigs, they’ve got a special deal. The #Escape elite squad will reach out to you, arrange the payment, and slap you with a fancy invoice. It’s like being in a secret agent movie, but with fewer explosions and more paperwork. So go on, plan your escape, whether it’s with friends or colleagues, and get ready for a wild ride!

So, what are you waiting for? Rally your crew and let the hashtag escape adventures begin!


Located: 39 Grant Ave, Norwood, Johannesburg

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