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Whimsical Figgy Camembert Pepper Pie: A Cheese Lover’s Dream


  • 1 round of creamy Camembert cheese
  • Handful of juicy blueberries (around ¼ cup)
  • 1 teasing teaspoon of freshly ground pepper
  • 2 sheets of pastry (sized 8 inches square), plus extra for playful decoration
  • 1 egg yolk, ready to jazz things up
  • 3 plump figs, for that sweet surprise
  • About ¼ cup of sugar to sprinkle magic
  • 2 tablespoons of lemon juice to add a zesty twist
  • 1 sprig of fresh rosemary for that fragrant flair




  1. Preheat your oven – we’re getting ready to bake up some magic at 190°C (375°F )
  2. Begin by rolling out one pastry sheet and placing it in a pie dish – think of it as your canvas for cheesy art
  3. Let’s give our Camembert its starry stage: slice off the top rind, exposing the creamy goodness. Place the cheese in the center of your pastry canvas
  4. Scatter those mischievous blueberries around the Camembert – they’re the little bursts of joy in this cheesy tale
  5. Sprinkle the pepper – a dash of character and spice never hurt anyone
  6. Fold the edges of the pastry sheet over the cheese and its flavorful companions, creating a charming enclosure
  7. For a touch of playfulness, use extra pastry to fashion decorative shapes – hearts, stars, or perhaps something inspired by the figs themselves
  8. Brush this delightful creation with the beaten egg yolk, giving it that golden glow for the spotlight moment in the oven
  9. Bake for around 25-30 minutes or until the pastry becomes a delicious golden hue
  10. Meanwhile, let’s whip up our figgy magic: finely chop the figs, toss them into a saucepan along with the sugar, lemon juice, and that sprig of rosemary
  11. Cook this enchanting mixture over medium heat, stirring occasionally until it thickens – about 10-15 minutes. Remove the rosemary sprig before its aroma steals the show
  12. Once the pie emerges from its golden oven retreat, spoon the figgy concoction over the ooey-gooey Camembert center
  13. Serve this whimsical creation warm or at room temperature, and brace yourself for the applause



There you have it – a cheesy, figgy, peppery delight wrapped in pastry goodness! Perfect for a fanciful gathering or a whimsical solo indulgence. Enjoy!

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