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Ultimate Chorizo and Squid Fritters Recipe: Flavorful Delights with Saffron Aioli

Welcome back to Rev-Eats, where we’re diving headfirst into a new year of culinary chaos and flavor madness! Get ready to unleash the inner gourmet artiste within you with this “Chorizo, Squid, and Potato Fritters extravaganza!” It’s a mouthful, both in name and in taste!



  • 200 g Chorizo (Because meat is the heartthrob here)
  • 240 g Squid (For that under-the-sea vibe)
  • 1 Red Chilli (Spicing things up)
  • 1 Garlic Clove (To keep vampires at bay)
  • 450 g Maris Piper Potatoes (The unsung heroes)
  • 80 g Onion (For tears of joy)
  • 1 tbsp Parsley (Greenery for a pop of color)
  • 2 Egg Yolks (The golden touch)
  • 2 Eggs (Because one’s never enough)
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice (For that zesty twist)
  • 1 tsp Smoked Paprika (Adding smokiness without setting off alarms)
  • 100 g Plain Flour (To keep things grounded)
  • A Pinch of Saffron (A luxury we’re willing to pinch for)
  • 1 tsp Salt (To remind us we’re not in the Dead Sea)
  • 3 g Salt (Because one salt isn’t salty enough)
  • 150 g Rapeseed Oil (The secret slick)
  • Vegetable Oil (For that greasy glamour)




  1. Begin this epic quest by finely dicing the chorizo (imagine you’re in a sword fight), chopping the squid into strips (like a sushi ninja), and mincing the red chili and garlic (tears may flow, it’s not just the onion!).
  2. Grate the Maris Piper potatoes like you’re playing the world’s tiniest violin, then give them a good squeeze to drain out any existential crisis… I mean, excess moisture. Finely chop the onion (apologies for the onion-induced tears) and snip the parsley (channel your inner hairdresser).
  3. In a mixing bowl (your battleground), unite the chorizo, squid, red chili, garlic, grated potatoes, chopped onion, parsley, egg yolks, eggs, lemon juice, smoked paprika, plain flour, saffron, and both doses of salt. Mix until it’s as cohesive as a newly formed Avengers team.
  4. Heat a hefty dollop of vegetable oil in a frying pan over medium heat. Once it’s feeling hot, spoon portions of your mixture into the pan, patting them down gently into fritter form. Cook until they’re as golden and crispy as that winning lottery ticket you never bought.
  5. Extract those beauties from the pan and let them chill on some paper towels, contemplating their oily existence.
  6. Now, for the saffron aioli: Imagine you’re a scientist, mixing a pinch of saffron with hot water, letting it steep like a billionaire’s tea. Combine this saffron potion with rapeseed oil and a sprinkle of salt. Whisk until it’s smoother than a silk sheet.
  7. Serve these delightful fritters with the golden saffron aioli for a taste sensation that’ll make your taste buds do the tango! These fritters aren’t just delicious; they’re a flavor explosion that’ll make your tongue throw a party!


Get ready to wow your audience with these gastronomic delights. May your culinary adventures this year be as wild as these fritters! Cheers to delicious chaos in the kitchen!

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