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Ultimate Baklava Recipe: Easy, Crispy, and Flavorful Delight

Baklava Breakdown: A Sweet Treat!”



1 pack of phyllo pastry, thawed

250g unsalted butter (1 cup/2 sticks), melted

375g finely crushed pistachios (about 3 cups), go for the most vibrant Turkish ground pistachios you can find

250g granulated sugar (approx. 1 cup)

Avocado spray



For the simple syrup:

500g sugar (around 2 cups)

250ml water (about 1 cup)

Juice of 1/2 lemon

3-4 cardamom pods


For garnishing:

Ground pistachios

Dried rose petals




Preheat your oven to 150°C (300˚F). It’s like pre-gaming for your baklava baking adventure!

Make sure that phyllo dough is properly thawed. We don’t want any icy surprises here.

Grab a baking pan that’s about 23x35cm—saves you the trouble of slicing and dicing that dough later.

Show that pan some love—give it a good spritz of avocado spray.

Layer 10 sheets of phyllo in the pan, making it a fun duo by placing 2 at a time and giving them a good oil massage every couple of layers.

Spread half of those crushed nuts all over those layers—let them get cozy.

Add 8 more phyllo layers, spritzing oil between each pair. They’re becoming besties now.

Dump the rest of those nutty buddies on top of this tower of deliciousness.

Crown it with 12 more layers of phyllo, giving the top layer a spa treatment with some oil.

Grab your sharpest knife and slice it straight and diagonal—time to give those diamond shapes a chance to shine.

Pop it in the oven and set the timer for about 1 hour and 15 minutes or until they’re all golden and glowing.

In a saucepan (medium-sized, no biggie), toss in all the syrup ingredients and let it simmer for 30 minutes. Let that syrup cool its jets afterward.

Once the baklava emerges all golden and majestic, pour that chilled-out syrup all over it. Let it chill too—cool down, baklava, cool down.


Time for the grand finale! Sprinkle some pistachios and those dried rose petals on top for that Insta-worthy finish.

Description: Take a flavorful trip with this Baklava recipe. No need for slicing and dicing here, just layer, bake, and dive into crispy, syrupy goodness. The aromatic infusion of flavors will teleport your taste buds to the buzzing markets of Turkey. Top it off with a sprinkle of pistachios and rose petals for a fancy flourish. Get ready to impress with your homemade Baklava mastery!

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