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Divine Crème Brûlée Donuts: A Heavenly Dessert Delight

Indulge in the culinary absurdity of Crème Brûlée Donuts, where a fluffy donut takes a dip into a rich vanilla custard pool, and then gets a sugar makeover that would put Willy Wonka to shame!


Donut Dough Delirium:

3 2/3 cup all-purpose flour (the powdery stuff)

1 1/4 cup warm whole milk (the cow juice)

1 1/2 teaspoon instant yeast (magic granules)

1/3 cup granulated white sugar (the sweet white stuff)

1 teaspoon salt (the tiny flavor crystals)

1 large egg (eggcellent!)

6 tablespoons softened unsalted butter (buttery goodness)

Vegetable oil (for the deep-frying dive)



Custard Craziness:

1 2/3 cup whole milk (more cow juice)

2 teaspoons vanilla extract (liquid vanilla magic)

1 vanilla bean (those tiny black specks), beans scraped

1/4 teaspoon salt (a pinch of the sea)

1/4 cup cornstarch (magic corn dust)

1/2 cup sugar (the other sweet white stuff)

4 egg yolks (golden treasures)

2 tablespoons unsalted butter (more buttery goodness)


Brûlée Blazing:

1 cup granulated white sugar (yes, more sugar)

1/4 cup water (H2-Oh)


The Foolproof Foolery:

Make the Custard

Mix cornstarch, sugar, and salt in a bowl. Add the yolks and beat until it’s lighter in color. Put it aside.

Heat the milk, vanilla extract, and vanilla bean until it’s just about to bubble. Don’t let it go wild, just a mild simmer.

Slowly pour a bit of this warm mix into your yolk party. No yolks left behind! Keep doing it until everything’s smooth.

Transfer this creamy concoction back to the pot and gently heat it until it thickens. Then add the butter and make it even creamier. Chill in the fridge.

Cover and pop in the fridge to chill (it’s time for a custard nap).



Make the Dough, Fry, & Fill

Mix warm milk, yeast, sugar, salt, and egg in a big bowl. Get it all cozy.

Add the softened butter and all-purpose flour. This is where the dough magic happens.

Mix and knead until it’s happy (about 2-3 minutes), then let it rise like a doughy superhero for 1.5 to 2 hours.

Your dough is now fluffier than a kitten’s dream. Roll it out thinly (less than 1/2 inch).

Get artsy with a heart-shaped cookie cutter.

Keep cutting out hearts until your dough is all used up.

Lay your heart-throbs on a tray and let them rest for 30 minutes. It’s their power nap.

Heat up some frying oil, but don’t let it turn into a boiling volcano. Around 325°F to 350°F should do it.

Gently fry the hearts, one by one. You want them golden, not sunburned.

Drain the oil’s excess affection and let them cool.

Fill a piping bag (or a ziplock bag) with that chilled custard. It’s custard time!

Poke a hole in the heart’s chest and fill it with custard. They won’t be heartless anymore.


The Brûlée Bonanza

For the brûlée, melt sugar and water together until it’s a beautiful, golden syrup. Don’t stir too much, or it’ll throw a sugary tantrum.

Dip the filled hearts into this molten gold and let them sparkle. The sweetest golden shower you’ll ever see.

Savor the madness while they’re fresh, and your taste buds go on a rollercoaster ride!

Congratulations, you’ve now mastered the art of Crème Brûlée Donuts – the most absurdly delightful dessert experience known to humankind!

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