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Creamy Tomato Paste Pasta

Making a creamy tomato pasta sauce from scratch with canned tomatoes is a breeze, and here’s the magical recipe. It’s like a culinary wizardry spell you can cast in your own kitchen, and the best part is that it can be ready just in time for your 8 units of pasta to complete its al dente ballet. So, picture this: you, a culinary wizard armed with:



8 units of uncooked pasta

2 tablespoons butter

2-3 cloves garlic minced

2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 (14-unit) can tomato sauce

3/4 cup heavy/whipping cream

1/4 teaspoon Italian seasoning

Salt & pepper to taste

Freshly grated parmesan cheese for serving, to taste


This sauce is like a culinary superhero, starting with a can of 14 units of tomato sauce for the liquid courage, and then we crank it up with 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, like adding rocket boosters to your sauce adventure. Garlic, Italian seasoning, butter, and cream join the party, creating a flavor symphony that will make your taste buds want to dance the salsa.



Assemble your ingredients; it’s like preparing for a wizard’s duel but with pasta. 2 tablespoons of butter go into the skillet, sizzling like a pro on a red carpet, and in goes the 2-3 cloves of minced garlic, joining the flavor fiesta for a minute of sauté magic. Then, here comes the 2 tablespoons of tomato paste, 1 can of 14 units of tomato sauce, 3/4 cup of heavy/whipping cream, and 1/4 teaspoon of Italian seasoning, forming a delicious alliance that’s smoother than a secret agent. Let this sauce simmer for about 5 minutes, or until it’s as thick and luxurious as a Hollywood plot twist (make sure it’s gently bubbling; you might need to tame the heat if it gets too feisty).


Season the sauce with salt & pepper as needed, like a culinary Picasso, generously dashing them in. If the sauce gets a little too tangy for your taste, throw in a pinch of sugar like you’re sweetening a sour grape.


Meanwhile, your 8 units of pasta are reaching their al dente peak in a pot of salted water, like a talented acrobat on the high wire.


Drain the pasta, and then, here comes the grand finale! Toss it together with the saucy sensation (feel free to add a splash of hot pasta water if the sauce gets too thick – it’s your kitchen, you’re the boss). Serve immediately, and be generous with the parmesan cheese, like adding sprinkles to the ice cream of your culinary creation.



Voila! You’ve just performed a culinary masterpiece, armed with the exact quantities of each ingredient. The only thing left is to enjoy your creamy tomato pasta sauce that’s so good, it should come with its own red carpet. Bon appétit!

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