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Learning Humility and Precision: A Journey through BMW’s Advanced M School

Entering BMW’s Advanced M School with a sense of confidence derived from numerous track days and experience with BMW’s latest M cars, the author soon found himself humbled by the intricacies of the M3 on the track. The traction- and stability-control systems, evident through audible cues and flashing lights, intervened as the author grappled with the car’s capabilities.

BMW offers various driving programs, and the Advanced M School, conducted at the Performance Center West near Palm Springs, California, is a two-day program designed to enhance track driving skills. The curriculum covers classroom sessions, driving exercises, and lead-follow sessions on the Thermal Club’s circuits.

Despite initial confidence, the author encountered challenges on the track, struggling with corner exits and overdriving the high-horsepower rear-wheel-drive cars. The instructors emphasized the importance of focusing on corner exit speed, a fundamental principle in high-performance driving.

The school incorporates segment training, allowing students to break down individual aspects of a corner complex, honing skills through repetition and detailed analysis. This meticulous approach provides a rare opportunity for focused learning, addressing specific challenges encountered on the track.

The “Rat Race XL,” an oval course made of cones, served as a practical exercise for practicing corner exit speeds with stability control relaxed or turned off. It also allowed for some controlled sliding, showcasing the capabilities of the M2.

The second day involved combining different circuits for a longer, more complex lap, providing students with the opportunity to follow various instructors and explore different ways to cut lap times. Christopher Hill, a full-time instructor at the BMW Performance Center West, highlighted the varied approaches used to present track driving concepts, reinforcing key lessons in novel ways.

As the author progressed through the program, the repetition of circuits and the chance to refine reference points led to a significant improvement in driving confidence. The experience transitioned from conscious thinking through each lap on the first day to a more intuitive and focused approach on the second day.

In essence, the BMW Advanced M School provided not only a technical education in high-performance driving but also a journey of humility, precision, and continuous improvement on the track.

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